Education Consultancy

Services Category : Education Services / Management

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Admission counseling is the first and most important step leading to a proper gateway to career
• University selection is the most vital step in the whole procedures to start with.
• Success to top USA universities, top UK, Europe and Asia-Pacific universities depends on the
right picks of the universities.
• Parents and students lack specialized knowledge about the options available.
• An Al Kounsar expert can easily recognize, define and quantify individual student strengths,
needs, chances and interests and match it to the top universities which will address these most
competently and where he has the maximum chances of admission.
• The long, challenging and often stressful process of admission is hard on students. A counselor
steps into the role of a friend, guide and encourager when the going seems tough. Well-timed
and sound advice often spells the difference between gaining the goal or quitting for a student.
Survival stories, time management tips, practical strategies, inspiring examples, insightful
anecdotes and words of encouragement are the extra arsenal which counselors often employ to
firefight the slow burnout of the waiting process.
• Al Kounsar counselors have the latest information about the admission criteria, admission
acceptance rates, admission committee expectations and merit scale of almost all prominent
schools, colleges and universities in India and Abroad.
• Expert Al Kounsar counselors are bale to prescribe a healthy mix of 'aspirational' schools
where the student can hope to gain admission and 'safe' schools where he has appreciable
higher chances of acceptance and substantial scholarship support.


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